
IMH RESkill+ Transforming your skills for the job of the future.

DURATION: 2023 - 2025

The main objective of the IMH RESkill+ project is to develop a comprehensive ecosystem that promotes the attraction, adaptation, development and loyalty of talent to the needs of the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector, with a special focus on manufacturing SMEs. With this initiative, the aim is to increase the employability of people by accessing quality jobs and strengthening the competitiveness of companies, facilitating their adaptation to the demands of the labour market of the future. 

To achieve this objective, the project is articulated around the following activities:

  • Labour market observation and analysis: Creation of a Watch Community to study the evolution of professions in the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector, based on studies, trends and continuous communication with companies and associations. This network will help anticipate future labour market needs and facilitate skills matching.

  • Career support and guidance: Strengthening guidance services for both workers and companies to support the development of talent in the field of Advanced and Digital Manufacturing. A smoother connection between the demands of companies and the skills of individuals will be promoted.

  • Innovative training offer: Design and development of Training for Employment programmes that accompany the technological and digital transition, ensuring the transfer of knowledge through modern and accessible methodologies, both in face-to-face and virtual formats.

  • Attraction and retention of talent: Expansion of the JOIND technology platform, designed to improve the match between the employment needs of companies and people actively seeking employment or in processes of professional improvement. In addition, career guidance tools will be integrated to facilitate access to the sector.

  • Recognition of work experience: Implementation of a system of recognition of non-formal learning and acquired work experience in order to improve the employability of people without formal qualifications, supported by the new Vocational Training Act and the use of micro-credentials.

  • Responding to demographic challenges: Initiatives to attract talent from other regions and countries, including the repatriation of skilled people who have emigrated. Partnerships will be created with educational institutions in third countries to facilitate the technical training of highly demanded profiles.

  • Promotion of female employment: Implementation of specific actions to increase the participation of women in skilled jobs in the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector, thus reducing the gender gap in a highly masculinised sector.

Specific objectives: 

  1. To offer professional guidance based on the evolution of employment and the needs of the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector.
  2. To design an innovative and flexible training offer that adapts to the demands of the labour market.
  3. Create a complete and accessible virtual training to modernise job training.
  4. Implement a system that recognises experience and informal learning to support the acquisition of key competences.
  5. Use a technological platform that connects companies with job seekers or people in professional transition.
  6. Promote interest in the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector through the employer brand concept.
  7. Boost female employability in skilled jobs in the sector to reduce inequalities.
  8. Establish links with foreign educational entities to attract and train qualified technical profiles.
  9. Facilitate companies to motivate workers in their continuous training and orientation processes.

The project is aimed at:

  • Companies that want to transform the future competences of their organisation in the field of Advanced and Digital Manufacturing.
  • All working and unemployed people interested in improving their skills and developing their career in the Advanced and Digital Manufacturing sector.

How to take part: