Entry profile

For the access profile, all degrees with a scientific, technical and industrial profile are accepted. In the section Degrees you can see what they are.


Degree in Process and Product Innovation Engineering

Degree in Electronic Engineering

Degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering

Degree in Electrical Engineering

Degree in Computer Engineering

Degree in Computer Management and Information Systems Engineering

Degree in Industrial Management Engineering

Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering

Degree in Physics/Bachelor's Degree

Degree in Mathematics/Bachelor's Degree

Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering

Other degrees or qualifications equivalent to the above




The Master's Academic Committee will decide which candidates are admitted on the basis of the following assessment criteria:

  • Academic record: The academic record and the speciality undertaken will be assessed (50%).
  • Curriculum: Curriculum and work experience will be assessed (15%).
  • English: Official certificates will be requested (10%, higher than B2, maximum C1).
  • Basque: Official certificates will be requested (5%, maximum C1).
  • Other foreign languages: Official certificates will be requested (5% maximum C1)
  • Other Personal interview (15%)