Internacional Transfer Projects
Since 1995 the IMH has been developing educational and technological transfer projects, mainly in the machine tool sector and actively collaborating with AFM, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, the Spanish Association of Machine Tool, Accessory, Component and Tool Manufacturers. The IMH also collaborates with other sectors, such as agriculture, mining, fishing, jewellery... In these cases it has created a network of expert collaborators in these areas.
The projects carried out cover a wide range of activities from the training of technical trainers to the design and implementation of a technical training centre.
The international activity has been carried out mainly in Southeast Asia and South America as well as in several Spanish regions.
Here are some examples of IMH activities/services in this field:
- Updating of the competency-based curriculum.
- Implementation of the competency-based technical training system.
- Updating of technical and pedagogical competencies.
- Integration of the training centre's management model, which guarantees its sustainability.
- Design and training of trainers for educational professionals.
- Updating of the centre's equipment.
- Updating of the didactic material.
- Increase of the training offer of the centre with new courses and e-learning courses.
- Design and implementation of a technical training centre:
- Curriculum design based on competencesDefinition and selection of human resources
- Short- and long-term expert input
- Design of the product and service offering
- Definition of the management model
- Definition and requirements of the necessary spaces
- Definition and supply of equipment
- Training of trainers and managers
- Elaboration of didactic material
- Design and implementation of training plans
Some of the entities/organisations we have collaborated with
- AFZ University CSMC - China
- Asociación de Fundidores de Jalisco - México
- Asometal - Costa Rica
- CEDEA - Venezuela
- Centro de Formación Técnica Salesianos - Chile
- Chile Califica Perfeccionamiento - Chile
- CPEIP - Chile
- Insaforp - Salvador
- Red Agrícola V Región - Chile
- Red Agroforma VIII Región del Bio Bio - Chile
- Red Genera
- Sena - Colombia
- Universidad del Valle - Colombia
- Universiti Kuala Lumpur MSI - Malaysia