ManuLearn Event: Industrial challenges to become digital manufacturer: Experiences of EU companies
- ManuLearn Event: Industrial challenges to become digital manufacturer: Experiences of EU companies
- 2020-09-29T11:00:00+02:00
- 2020-09-29T13:00:00+02:00
- Industry to Industry Open Innovation Learning Event

The purpose of the event is to share visions, discuss and co-create solutions on how to approach future manufacturing challenges. It addresses industrial companies that are considering the adoption of new technologies of digitalization or they have started such digitalization process to face present and future manufacturing challenges.
Preliminary AGENDA
- 11:00-11:15 Introduction to the event (EIT Manufacturing)
- 11:15-12:00 Keynote presentation panel: Practical experiences of companies in Digitalization:
- Solutions of BD Sensors: development of pressure sensors, measurement devices, paperless administration & production, automated robotic stations & storage, digitalization process and others. Mr. Michal Polášek, Smart4factory (Czech Republic).
- Digitalizing traditional manufacturing industries: introduction of Cloud Computing, Real Time Analytics and IoT technologies. Experiences of Baltik Vairas, Diab Group and Vilnika. Mr. Andrius Vilčiauskas, CEO of GK Proact (Lithuania).
- Additive manufacturing as strategy for market and technological diversification. Ms. Izaskun Guardiola, Head of Marketing of Createch Medical (Spain).
- 12:00-12:30 Parallel Dialogue Sessions in small groups (split by areas of interest/ technologies)
- Which are our most relevant challenges on Digitalization?
- How are we facing such challenges
- What are the drivers and barriers?
- 12:30-13:00 Conclusions in Plenary
Additional information
Registration data: Before 28th September. After registration, you will receive a link to participate online.
Language of the event: English
ManuLearn project is funded by EIT-Manufacturing EU initiative
The Teaching and Learning Factories, set up by the ManuLearn program (EIT Manufacturing) in different regions, will use a problem-based learning approach, where participants will learn by solving open-ended problems, real industry challenges. A total of 4 different Teaching / Learning Factories will be implemented as well as an open innovation event, fostering experience and knowledge exchange. International participants from different countries will be involved considering their manufacturing ecosystem. All events will be online, and the Teaching / Learning Factories’ subjects will include such as:
- Predictive maintenance,
- Cobotics,
- Digital twin,
- Additive Manufacturing,
- Sensors for Milling Machining,
- Monitor and control of pr0cesses for zero-defect,
- Robots,
- Manufacturing intelligence
- etc.
The first Industry to Industry learning event will be organized on 29 September by TECNALIA Research & Innovation and IMH
- When Sep 29, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
- Where ON-LINE
- Contact Name Edurne Bilbao
- Contact Phone +34943744132
- Enrollment Fill the form
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