ManuLearn WEBINAR: "Additive Manufacturing"
- ManuLearn WEBINAR: "Additive Manufacturing"
- 2021-11-24T12:00:00+01:00
- 2021-11-24T13:00:00+01:00

Additive Manufacturing (AM) uses computer-aided design to build objects layer by layer, offering the ability to build parts with geometric complexities that can not be produced by subtractive manufacturing processes. Among the major advantages of AM processes are the manufacturing of parts with high customization, freedom of design and time reduction in product development. These technologies also show numerous practical applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, energy and other fields. We will know more about this manufacturing tecnology in this webinar.
Objective of the event
This activity, organised by IMH in the field of ManuLearn "learning through Manufacturing Challenges" project, aims to increase the innovation potential of the participating EIT RIS countries by enhancing the educational framework and boosting digitalization under the concept of Industry 4.0.
"Additive Manufacturing" programme:
- 12:00 Welcome and Presentation of ManuLearn Project
- 12:10 Presentation of the speaker
- 12:15 Additive Manufacturing, introduction, advantages and implementation in industry.
- 12:55 Questions
Maitane Gabilondo Nieto
Additive Manufacturing department researcher
IMH, Advanced and Digital Manufacturing Campus
Chemical Engineer from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and PhD in Applied Engineering from the University of Navarra. She currently combines her work as a lecturer at the IMH School of Dual Engineering with that of researcher in the Asmaola Department of the IMH, developing projects related to the Additive Manufacturing process. Throughout her career she has worked on various projects in competitive calls, as well as various transfer actions with companies. Her work has focused mainly on the research of metallic materials, so that she applies this knowledge in the study of Additive Manufacturing technologies that are in IMH.
Language of event
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This project has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Manufacturing.
- When Nov 24, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
- Where ONLINE
- Contact Name Iker Gallardo
- Contact Phone +34943744132
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