Management Integrated Policy

The Management of IMH Campus, aimed at training and technological innovation at the service of industry and the community, and all people involved in the organisation, commit to offering a quality service, and endeavour to meet all customer requirements and expectations, using Basque as a vehicle for communication while respecting linguistic diversity, ensuring the protection of the environment and occupational health and safety.


To this end, IMH Campus has prioritised information, communication, training, participation and consultation of all the people who make up the organisation in all performance areas of the Integral Management System (Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001, Health and Safety at Work ISO 45001, University Training AUDIT program and Quality Certificate in Linguistic Management BIKAIN), with the aim of facilitating competitiveness, growth and sustainability.


That is why Management is committed to:


  • Continuously improving the effectiveness and performance of the integral management system in all its areas.
  • Complying with the legal requisites applicable to our activity and requisites we endorse ourselves.
  • Preventing contamination by making rational use of material resources, promoting energy saving and reducing waste.
  • Eliminating hazards and reducing potential risks to safety and health of all workers in the organisation.
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions that prevent injuries and deterioration of the health of the workers and students of the center.
  • Ensuring linguistic rights of staff, boosting trilingualism of our students and to prioritising the use of the minority native language of the Basque region to make it the vehicular language of our staff.
  • Informing our employees, suppliers, collaborators and society in order for them to understand and participate in our policy for quality, environment, language and occupational health and safety.
  • Establishing, revising when necessary, disseminating and guaranteeing the fulfilment of the objectives of the centre in accordance with this Management Policy.
  • Consult and promote the participation of workers and workers' representatives in preventive management.
  • Promoting inclusion and diversity, respecting and valuing the needs and particularities of staff, students, and the entire community.

The IMH Campus Management Board is committed to supporting this management policy in order to achieve the objectives and goals in terms of Quality, Environment, Language use and Occupational Safety and Health.


Elgoibar, January 23rd, 2025

