The Erasmus Higher Education Charter provides a general quality framework for Community and international cooperation so that higher education institutions can implement the Erasmus+ programme.
The prerequisite for higher education institutions willing to collaborate on innovation and good practice or to participate in student mobilisation is the possession of the Erasmus Charter .
Applied Innovation and Research in VET
DURATION: 2022 - 2024
The objective of AIRinVET is, after understanding existing experiences, to define the role of VET in R&D by proposing a European reference framework for AR in VET. This framework will help European countries and regions to build more competitive innovation systems.
To produce the framework, we will:
- Do a mapping of VET centres involved in AR in Europe and abroad.
- Do case studies to explain, describe, evaluate, and understand different approaches to do AR in VET.
- Analyse how VET AR activities can fit into different policy contexts in Europe.
- Identify financial models of AR in VET.
- Create a glossary to clarify the meaning of the term “applied research”, and other terms related to R&D, in the context of VET.
- Identify the main barriers to engaging SMEs: What are the success factors?
- Create tools to develop VET staff and teachers’ mind-sets for AR.
- Develop a framework and work on ways of building the capacity of VET systems to work on AR projects.
- Co-work with established AR agents within regional innovation ecosystems.
Partners: TKNIKA, AFM, KATAPULT, ISSO, EURASHE, BHH-Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg, Hanse Parlament, IMH Campus.
Erasmus+ Programme, Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking Projects - Cross-sectoral priorities
DURATION: 01/12/2022 - 01/12/2024
Content: AI4Ed aims at questioning current teaching-learning processes and will incorporate and experiment with novel technologies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and pedagogies, to develop tools, methodologies, and evaluation systems that respond to the new educational reality
Expected results:
• Design the strategy/methodology for an AI based training process, with problem-based and project-based learning at its core and which focuses on collaborative learning taking into account the promotion of multilingualism and cultural diversity.
• Design and develop 3 AI (transparent and ethical) models integrating the critical KPIs governing the processes for personalised tutoring, active learning and dropout prevention.
• Generate digital content for personalised tutoring, active learning, and dropout prevention under the guidance of an effective Data Management Plan (DMP) for the treatment of all data.
• Design and deploy a pan-European training framework that will support a “train the trainers” approach for AI4Ed skill development.
• Develop a toolkit to use as guideline on the tested process to ensure mainstream uptake by the community of AI in education, identifying the steps towards developing a full AI approach and ensuring a gradual transformation of the education
Partners: IMH Campus - Fundación para la Formación Técnica en Máquina-Herramienta (Spain), Universitaet Bremen (Germany), Alchemy Machine Learning (Spain), Centro de Formacao Profissional da Industria Metalurgica e Metalomecanica (CENFIM) (Portugal), Solski Center Slovenske Konjice-Zrece (Slovenia), Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education (2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032107)
DURATION: 01/02/2022 - 31/08/2024
Content: The project aims to improve engineering teachers’ knowledge and experience using innovative educational methodologies such as STEAM and to better students’ performance in engineering-related social issues by promoting their ability to integrate different disciplines in solving a problem.
Expected results:
- A Protocol for Teachers that will illustrate the framework of the STEAM project design methodology with active teaching methodologies;
- An E-learning based training course for engineering teachers that will include a theoretical description of STEAM approaches and of the implementation active methodologies;
- A Collection of STEAM based Teaching-Learning Sequences that allow teachers to guide students in applying a project based learning methodology to solve socio-scientific-technological situations.
Partners: Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Spain), DHBW – Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Germany), University of Peloponnese (Greece), Pixel (Italy), University of Perugia (Italy), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Fundación para la Formación Técnica en Máquina-Herramienta (Spain).
PROJECT: Erasmus +, KA2 - Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education
Duration: 01/15/2020 - 01/14/2023
Content: The main objective of the DUALSCI project is to improve the skills of higher graduates and their employability in the cantons and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). The specific objectives of the project are:
- The implementation of dual education in Higher Education systems in the cantons and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Allow students to acquire more relevant knowledge and skills through dual education; - Improving the legal framework and accreditation standards in the cantons and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to adapt to dual education.
- The development of a generic dual education model (DUALSCI model) to support the different needs and interests of students, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs) in different cantons / entities of BIH and to provide recommendations to the HEIs for the implementation of dual education throughout BHI.
Partners: University of Novi Sad (Coordinator), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, IMH School of Dual Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, University of Mostar, University of Zenica, Ministry for Scientific and TD , HE and IS, Ministry for Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the West-Hercegovina Canton, Ministry for Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Zenica-Doboj Canton, WUS Austria, Chamber of Commerce of Republic of Srpska, Chamber of Commerce of Federation of B&H, and BIT Alliance.
Excellent Advanced Manufacturing 4.0
PROJECT: EXAM 4.0 (Start: 2019)
Content: "Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing" - EXAM 4.0 aims to establish five European Regional Ecosystems of Competence, bringing together Vocational Training Centres, Higher Education, companies, policy makers and the individual (student, trainee, job seeker ...) to identify and define future skills, needs in the advanced manufacturing sector (AM from now on)
Partners: Tknika (coordinator), Da Vince College (Netherlands), 10XL (Netherlands), DHBW Duale Hochschule Baden-Württember (Germany), AFM Cluster (Spain), Curt Nicolin Gymnasiet (Sweden), CIFP Miguel Altuna LHII. Affiliated entities: IMH CIFP, Usurbilgo CIFPand Bidasoa CIFP.
Partners: IMH, Centro de Formación de Somorrostro, Gestamp Technology Institute, University Politechnica de Bucharest, Gestamp Louny, IMECHE.
The main objective os this project is to help aeronautical companies to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 by improving the soft skills of their human resources.
Partners: Aviation Valley, Inova+, QSR Talen driven culture, InnPlus, Havacilikveuzay Aerospace Cluster, UPM, IMH
PROJECT: Learn&Fly
Learning materials and support tools to encourage student participation in science and aeronautics-related careers
Partners: INNPULS, INOVA+, Quasar Human Capital, Instituto Politecnico de Setubal, Agrupamento de Escolas Sebastiao de Gama, IMH, Foundation for the Support of Education at the Aviation Valley Association.
PROJECT: CWIHE (Erref. 2014-1-SI01-KA200-000657) 2014/09/01-2017/08/31
Content: CWIHE (Cooperative and Work Integrated Higher Education) is a three-year project funded in the framework of "cooperation for the exchange of innovation and good practice: education, training and strategic alliances for young people". The objective of the project is to constitute a European network of Dual Training in Higher Education to face the current challenges of the model and its deployment at European Union level, as an alternative to fight unemployment and as a valuable tool to promote entrepreneurial skills.
Partners: IMH University School of Dual Engineering (leading project), Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg (DHBW) (Germany), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H. (Austria), Formasup (Nord- pas de Calais) (France), Universitat de Lleida (Spain), Högskolan Väst (Sweden), y Libera Universita di Bolzano (Italia).
PROJECT: CWIC (Erref: 14-202-000657)
Content: CWIC (Cooperative and Work Integrated Curriculum) is a 3-year project funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Objectives: to establish the conditions for practical education and the new cooperative method; to improve the response of vocational training and education to market demands; to improve the quality system in vocational training and to promote employability. To this end, pilot tests will be carried out in the Dual Vocational Training centres in Slovenia and Macedonia. IMH is participating in the project together with FH Joannem from Austria as an expert in the field.
Partners: Šolski Center Velenje (líder) (Eslovenia), CMEPIUS (Eslovenia), Šolski Center Slovenske Konjice-Zreče (Eslovenia), ASUC Boro Petrushevski – Skopje (Macedonia), Unior (Eslovenia), FH Joanneum (Austria), IMH - Fundación para la Formación Técnica en Máquina-Herramienta
Content: The objective of the project is to create tools and guidelines that allow for individualized education in the classroom, taking into account the different levels of knowledge of the students, transferring everything to the knowledge of the CNC, so that these skills are recognized in different countries.
Partners: CENFIM - Portugal (líder), ANQEP - Portugal, SALPAUS - Finland, MES - Germany, IMH - Euskadi