IMH Vocational Training Teacher Explores Berlin's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

2024/06/10 09:57:20 GMT+2

Inazio Gezuraga from our IMH vocational school, in the mobility of the Urratsbat Programme, has had the opportunity to discover the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Berlin.

This trip, organised by the Urratsbat (Tknika) facilitators and financed through a grant from Ikaslan, has allowed the teachers to enrich their skills in the field of entrepreneurship. They were received at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin. The visit included meetings with vocational training centres and various organisations that support entrepreneurship. They also enjoyed a tour of the Adlershof Technology Park, known as one of the most important innovation centres in Europe.

During their visit to Adlershof, the group was able to see how technology is integrated into the educational stages and how innovation is encouraged among students and entrepreneurs. The experience in the Co-Working areas of Atelier Gardens has been especially motivating, as it has allowed them to get to know collaborative spaces where startups and entrepreneurs develop their projects in an environment full of creativity and dynamism.

Without a doubt, this mobility to Berlin has been an enriching experience. The opportunity to learn from other models of entrepreneurship and professional training, as well as to establish contacts with professionals in the sector, will allow us to improve and enrich our educational programmes, providing our students with the necessary tools to become the entrepreneurs of the future.