Sharing our experiences on reskilling and upskilling to engage talent at ADVANCED FACTORIES

At the annual event organised in Barcelona by ADVANCED FACTORIES for the industry, with the leaders of #industry40 and the digital transformation of the sector, we had the pleasure of sharing a round table with Marc Capellades, Ma Teresa Casanovas i Archs, Javier Santos and Javier González on the topic "Reskilling and Upskilling: Engaging Talent".
Our colleague Zigor Esnaola Barrutia spoke about the experiences of IMH Campus Dual training in Vocational Training, Engineering Degree and Master in Digital Manufacturing, highlighting the value of this training to promote professional technical skills and increase the competitiveness of companies, where these profiles are integrated and end up working.
By way of example, Zigor presented the cases of our dual vocational training students at DANOBATGROUP, IBARMIA, JUARISTI and GURUTZPE, of the degree in Process and Product Innovation Engineering with FAGOR ARRASATE, and of the Master in Digital Manufacturing with the IDEKO Technology Centre.
Thanks to the ADVANCED FACTORIES team for their invitation to the congress!