Tagif Project: Sharing the Mission Abroad Experience

2024/12/03 16:31:00 GMT+1
Just back from their mission abroad, two students from the School of Dual Engineering shared their experience with the TAGIF project partners.

The partners who participated in the first meeting of the TAGIF Erasmus project: Santarém Polytechnic University, Formasup-Paca and the Dual Engineering School of IMH Campus met at IMH Campus from 25 to 26 November. This meeting was a space to share the progress and objectives of the project.

The aim of this project is to turn European mobility into a strategic resource that allows companies and students to play a leading role in the ecological and digital transition. To this end, professional practices in engineering and sustainable development are exchanged, promoting inclusion and learning through transnational cooperation. The focus is on the development of students' green skills.

As a starting point for this objective, Jugatz and Mikel, students of Innovation Engineering at IMH, presented the experience they are living in companies where the dual part of the degree is being worked and their stay in Mexico and Germany, about the experience they have just finished in November 2024. In the talk, in addition to explaining what they have experienced, different perspectives were addressed, including sustainability, the application of new technologies, the challenges and opportunities of international cooperation.