Solar panels for Senegal, the best practices of a challenge full of values

What could be better than a challenge that we develop in the classroom, that has a real application and helps those who need it?
This year's main challenge for our students in the 1st year of the VET intermediate level in Electromechanical Maintenance will be the one we presented at the beginning of September at the European Council in Strasbourg, at the request of the Basque Government, as an example of good practice in Basque Vocational Training.
The teacher of the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of IMH Campus, Yolanda García, has presented our good practice and answered questions raised in the Second Thematic Event ""Strategies and practices implementing the RFCDC in VET"" on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and Vocational Education and Training.
IMH students will assemble and prepare solar panels for the huts in the village of Sare Birou in Senegal, in collaboration with the company SALTOKI and the NGO "LA OTRA MIRADA", to contribute to improve the life of the African community.
Through the Values-Based Challenge, the students will not only develop technical skills, but also a real application, and during the activity they will work on the skills of solidarity, entrepreneurship, initiative and teamwork.