STEAM project for the promotion and encouragement of technological vocations.

As part of the summer fortnight on innovation in Vocational Training, we have organised several sessions to publicise the projects we are developing at the Integrated Centre.
We have been with Aintzane Azumendi, member of the STEAM group of the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of the IMH Campus, to talk about the STEAM macro-project.
Our aim was to publicise the technological activity linked to the IMH Campus and the Integrated Vocational Training Centre and to show their collaboration with companies. Our main line has been to promote the different age groups of those who come to visit the IMH Campus and to organise visits adapted for them.
To this end, we have created and used resources such as the scooter video, the mobile phone support exercise or the treasure hunt.
Throughout the year 2022-2023 we have received several visits. During the visits we have explained and shown them the processes of design, manufacture and assembly. We have also shown them the innovation workshop and the additive manufacturing spaces to understand the manufacturing processes, raise awareness of the transformation throughout history and where we are going in the future.
Throughout the year 2022-2023 we have received several visits. During the visits we have explained and shown them the design, manufacturing and assembly processes. We have also shown them the innovation workshop and the additive manufacturing spaces in order to understand the manufacturing processes, raise awareness of the transformation throughout history and where we are heading in the future.
Among the visits we have made are the Gorliz ikastola, Antigua Luberri, the Elgoibar secondary school and ikastola (Ekiten workshops), the Mutriku ikastola, among us, we have been to their schools, we have taken part in fairs (2nd of Elgoibar.) Science and Technology Fair), or on the juries of the Reto Awards (Debabarrena STEAM Challenges).
We have also collaborated with Elgoibar Town Council, hosting Robotics courses at our facilities, in the Iniciativas workshops, at the Science Fair and as part of the Incuabe programme. In the latter, we have had different groups of students, who have made designs for mobile phones and yellow bins and at the end they have printed their ideas on 3D printers.
At the Elgoibar level, we have also participated in the Magnet Erakarri project as a technological partner of the Herri Eskola of Elgoibar.
As it could not be otherwise, the women who form an important part of all this, bringing us closer to them has been and will be an industrial field. To this end, we have taken part in different projects, together with the Town Council, in the Women's Industry of Elgoibar, the interventions with Asle in Industry and the Nesk-up initiative (Ikaslan), etc.
Within the STEAM Network we have had other visits, such as the Irish School of Leioa, the Barrutialde Baccalaureate and Vocational Training, the Mutriku Institute, and also with them we have had the main objective of bringing young people closer to industry through different videos and projects, with a focus on women.
Finally, as participants in the European project AIRinVET, STEAM Active and YML (Young Manufacturing Leaders), we have made known the actions we are developing in the projects (protocol guide for teachers...) and we have made known the workshop and competition of Additive Manufacturing.
STEAM collaborating entities:
- Ayuntamiento de Elgoibar
- Elgoibar Ikastola
- Elgoibar Herri Eskola
- Instituto Elgoibar
- Debegesa
- Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
- Elhuyar
- Asle
- Tknika
- Ikaslan Gipuzkoa
- Innobasque