VLF4EU CoVE project: Kick-off meeting

2025/02/27 20:48:00 GMT+1
We will create the European Virtual Learning Factory alliance with professional higher education centers, business associations and companies dedicated to virtualization and digitization.

On February 25-26, IMH Campus hosted the initial meeting of all the partners of this new CoVE project: Professionshøjskolen UCN, ECOLE - Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi per l'Education, Göteborgs Tekniska College, CESI LINEACT Ecole d'Ingenieurs, SCSKZ - School center Slovenske Konjice-Zreče, Elesar Innovation, Logisnext Sweden AB, INNOVAE, MecaBotiX, AFM - Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, MADE, UCIMU Sistemi per Produrre, and IMH Campus (project leader entity).

After the first contact of the project partners, the meeting served to share the strategic lines that will be worked on during the four years of the project, and to organize and manage the various tasks involved.

In addition, the participants of the meeting have known first hand the virtualization and digitalization projects of IMH Campus, have enjoyed the Machine Tool Museum, and have visited Lizagasar, an entrepreneurial experience of a former student of the IMH, dedicating a moment of the meeting to the Basque tradition and culture.

Next meeting will be held in France at the headquarters of CESI LINEACT. Thanks to all the partners for your participation and involvement, it has been a pleasure to welcome you at IMH Campus!


VLF4EU project

In training processes, technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, digital twins and artificial intelligence are being introduced in Higher Professional Training Centers (HPT), but their usage is not being systematically and widely incorporated into learning processes, as they are used in isolation or at a demonstrative level.

The pace of technological evolution is so rapid that unless a systemic integration into training processes is not addressed immediately, the response from VET centres will be too reactive and ineffective.

For a solid transfer of 5.0 technologies to SMEs, VET needs to design and implement teaching-learning processes based on the use of these technologies, so that students acquire the skills required (green and digital) to help companies use them naturally in their production processes.

VLF4EU aims at developing an Alliance of European manufacturing virtual learning factories whereby developing a long-term contribution to the modernisation of VET systems and Manufacturing SMEs and their engagement in applied research and experimental development, that will have an active impact well beyond the project.