What do you take away with you after graduating from the University Speciality in Additive Manufacturing?

2024/05/16 11:40:00 GMT+2

On May 3rd, we celebrated the graduation ceremony of the Dual Engineering School of IMH Campus. During the celebration, we had the #opportunity to chat with Jurgi, recent graduate of our University Speciality in Additive Manufacturing.

Jurgi Murua, a professional at INTERMAHER, shares with us a brief reflection on his time after finishing his studies. He highlights the variety of technologies that exist in this field.  In addition, during his training, he has been able to get to know them up close in our facilities.

He also mentions the quantity of Additive Manufacturing technologies "that are emerging", which indicates that it is and will be a new process with a great future and a high demand for professional profiles.

 Thank you very much Jurgi for sharing your #experience! 🤗

Do you want to prepare yourself to work as a professional specialist in this new technology?