Advice on additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AF) is one of the main technological axes of industry 4.0, in coexistence with the processes of material removal and deformation. The freedom of design, the variety and hybridisation of materials, the increase in speed and precision of printing are improving day by day, and the possible applications are growing throughout the industry (aerospace, biomedical, automotive, etc.).

The growing interest that the industry is showing in Additive Manufacturing technology is due, in  part, to its great potential for innovation in the conceptualization, design and manufacturing phases of products.

In response to the new market needs regarding FMD, we offer:

  • training of technological capabilities, design testing and manufacture of parts;
  • we teach how to combine additive manufacturing with the conventional process;
  • and we develop industrial R+D+i projects.

 You can also specialise in this field:

Our own University Specialist Degree in Additive Manufacturing

 Find out about IMH Campus'Additive Manufacturing space